Presenting to Decision Makers

  • 3 Ps of Presenting
  • Meeting the Communication Needs of Your Audience
  • Choosing the Best Framework for Effective Presentations

The Presenting to Decision Makers course is about how to plan, prepare, and present a presentation that is organized, flows well, and meets the information and communication needs of your audience. By definition, decision makers may include organization leaders and stakeholders, supervisors, employees, customers, and others who have a vested interest in what you are presenting.

Flexible Learning Options


Highly engaging workshops ranging from full to half day classroom workshops or 90-minute live virtual workshops supported by our unique interactive workbooks.

1:1 Coaching

Following the workshop, participants will engage in a one-hour individualized coaching. Together you will identify how you can further enhance your presentation skills, ask any questions you have from the workshop, and identify one or two critical things that will increase your effectiveness as presenter.

Get more details about our Presenting to Decision Makers Workshops:

Emotional Intelligence Model

 Join us for a unique workshop that offers an exciting opportunity to increase your effectiveness as you become more proficient presenter to decision makers.

Ready to get started?

Want to explore the importance of presenting to decision makers and becoming an effective influencer?
Read our article on 3 Key Techniques to Persuasive Influence.